Saturday, April 21, 2012


I am spending the weekend on finishing. A lot of the WIPs I've been taking a stab at are just waiting to have their ends woven in or the buttons sewed on. Ironically this will probably take all the free time I have this weekend, as one of the WIPs (the secretive one) is quite large and has many many ends. But hey! I can finish it, get it off my plate, and send it out to its giftee.

I have a plan this weekend. Let's see if it happens.

feed cats
check the strawberries in the back yard to see if they are ripe yet NO THEY ARE NOT :(
order pizza
check mailbox for mail
clean up living room table
prepare to do laundry by sorting everything
pay online phone bill
order tabs for my car
pizza arrives: consume pizza while watching some TV
clean out fridge a bit to get pizza box to fit in there
weave in ends and watch TV until I pass out or finish something. Try not to go crazy from all the ends. OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE IT IS DONE.
create button loops; sew on buttons. I only finished this for one mitt and it took me nearly an hour and I still sucked at it. The yarn is too blasted slippery to do this well. I will try to do the second one tomorrow. Also the palm of the mitt is too floppy and loose--might have to crochet it tighter somehow...
take pictures in the light of day.
shower and eat breakfast
finish sewing on buttons
clean guinea pig cage! then take out trash
put various doctor appointments in google calendar
sweep bedroom
Sweep hall and kitchen and bathroom
call rick, ask about: dead tree in backyard; front steps; ivy coming in the window; new screens; what to do with Lauren's security deposit/new person's security deposit?
play with yarn until almost noon; organize and realize how damned much I have
meet Ravelry Buddy crunchygranola for yarn shopping + knitting + coffee; plan to be rained upon.
go grocery shopping
do laundry and cook food for the week--chili perhaps? bean+ham soup? also make jam thumbprint cookies
realize that it is 8pm and the odds of me getting any work done are slim; cast on the second mitt for my second KAL and post pictures on Ravelry
decorate my room a bit and try to organize the greatly unorganized mess; make it worse by getting bored or distracted in the midst of it
remember my Fellow Report is due for the GRFP; panic, and work on it.

Alternatively I might feel like getting work done. Odds are not good, but it might happen :) Oh and I have a report to work on as well that I might as well deal with this weekend rather than the next.

What about you? what are your  weekend plans?

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