Thursday, September 6, 2018

and then it all went in a handbasket

It started off as a pretty productive knitting summer!

I finished Quicksilver, my Screamin Baby sweater, a small cat, and my night sky socks. I worked a bit on my clapoktus, and did a LOT of work on a brand new Find Your Fade in pinks.

And then I really got into my spinning. I spun and spun and finished the second bobbin by mid june. And then I spun, and spun, and spun, and spun some more, and the third bobbin was done. By halfway through July I still hadn't plied it. and in the meantime, a bunch of travel came up that was going to take me away from my wheel for THE ENTIRE MONTH OF AUGUST. plus five days of july.

I cracked down, put the knitting aside, and put in a couple of hours every night. By the 25th, when I was going to leave---I wasn't done.

so I had to put my wheel away and wait a whole month. Let me tell you, the first thing I did when I walked in the door was call out for my cat and pet her and the second thing I did was sit down on the couch and bring the wheel over! It took an additional week of plying and a lot of effort to cram it all on one bobbin but I finished it! it needs a soak and a block before I can finalize it, but my conservative estimate is it's 680 yards of a 3ply light fingering weight. WHOOOA!  no wonder it took so damn long to spin and ply--this has been in the works since february!

of course I immediately pulled it off the wheel and smacked on my next spin, a brightly colored fat and uneven rambouillet that I want to turn into hat and mittens. I get really impatient waiting to spin what I want to spin next!

(August wasn't entirely bereft of crafting--I finished 2 pairs of socks and a toddler pair as well to polish off one of the skeins.)

progress, progress, progress.

Now that I am back home, the rest of my summer plans look a bit silly. a whole new shawl, and the sweater/tunic? I was supposed to finish that as well as the spinning and the traveling?

oh well, much to knit, not enough time to do it all.

I got caught by the autumn bug and now I'm casting on fall-y witch-y mitts to wear when the weather gets chilly. Maybe with a bit of luck they'll get done before this halloween. And I started a halloween garland--knitted pumpkins, eyeballs, bats and hats. We'll see if I add any more little fiddly things to it this year.

as for all the other projects? psssh. who cares. new shiny things. A baby blanket. fresh socks. A new FYF in purple (I am however sane enough not to start that until the pink one is finished). And I want to knit about 40-hundred hats, too, all of a sudden.

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