currently knitting: second socks for May and March; Nurmilintu's first garter section. Just getting in rows here and there, not much overall
currently spinning: My Ladybug's developed a squeak but I managed to find a way to sit and treadle that doesn't do it regularly, so I've filled the first bobbin with brown-and-gradient 2 ply.
currently reading: NO
currently writing: SCIENCE
currently working: making a last batch of graphs (OH GEEZBUGGERFUDGEMUFFINS), adding them and writing up results/analysis for chapter 3; then frantically adding references to chapter 1 and actually writing chapter 4
trying to figure out: trip next week for housing searching (I still need a cat sitter/to figure out if my black cat is sick).
panic level: HIGH
productivity level: HIGH
amount of time remaining: 1 week/ 7 days
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